Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The God

Are you the God?
The God..who's not so far
Who remains within,
knows all before we ask?
You, the God, listens..
Listens, to what I talk..
Talk, that happens with myself?
If I were a child..
A child, that in Your eyes..
In the eyes of God that I am..
Yes, if I were a child in years too,
and then would have cried to the loudest..
To the sky to hear what I go through each day..
Played with You day and night,
without anyone ever knowing..
And then over joyously, to rejoice in Your name
wanted to share everything..
Every minutest detail, I find hard to explain..
Ashamed and unashamed of my thoughts and deeds,
it's the guilty conscience that slowly seeps..
I cannot think much, beyond an explanation my mind can ever think..
Just feel, a feeling something going on..
A happening every second in my life..
In every one's life, which I cannot feel, or may be can try a bit..
I know I'm going no where..
No where, because it's not a mere imagination,
happens every day in subtle thoughts and actions..
It happens once in a while, and sometimes seems occurring in series..
Understandable or not, matters not.., and I let things be..
Let them be as they ought to be, on there own, no interference from my own.
Spiritual? or some more deep? May be, but the way is too steep..
And I think I'm giving up, because I'm nothing, I realize..
Just playing with words or are they hidden meanings, deep..?
My eyes not cooperating nor my fingers..
While my mind awake..,trying to remember a few incidents out of many..
Again becoming a child, rather meeting a child who seems awaken
after sleep, still knowing sharing is no use, because..
No one listens or believes..
Now, may I ask you,
"Are You the God, I every day somewhere, in someone,
A perfect human, who knows how to act like,
the God?"

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