Thursday, August 15, 2013

Prayer is the answer..

Someone is no where..
I see around,
and find no where..
Still believe, is there..
In mind?
In thoughts?
Soul agrees..
So, I have to..
Dvinity appears to affirm.

I see,
Past is not gone any where..
It remains.
In the roots.
Is never gone.
Sheds leaves and regrows, more and more..
Changing forms and shapes.
Is seen every where!

Someone asks me,
How can I be so sure?
No proofs yet.
I have no answer.
I cannot answer.
Made to feel small?
No issues, I am small.

Quit, is the word..
Asks me to let go the one,
who has no role in the present.
Is it so?, 
I ask myself..
And again,
I have no answer.
Beyond my capacity.
I cannot handle.
Shall I....?

I remember,
Prayer is the answer..

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