Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Let be.

I'm standing in the centre.
All shouting at me.
All have different reasons.
I wonder, 
All against, 
Oh! e'en God?
Then, who's with me?
I see, 
God's on this side too;
Just testing me.
My sons and their father,
the precious gifts.
What else than the strength 
to expect from life?
Let what be, be.
Have you gone through certain tasks?
Gone through dark shades no sun to bask.
Is there a mother who curses her newborn?
Who knows not why she's born.
Is there a father who leaves forlorn,
never bothers to see for years and come?
Time heals, though leaves ugly scars.
Was there no option for them to scare 
and fight not?
Was not enough love left for them to share 
or they forgot?
What price was paid?
A rebellion was born or made?
Frightful childhood, is it worthy of praise?
God came for help as paved some way;
was followed by brothers only.
Blessed with education, to know and to pray.
Life is beautiful despite glooms,
Now and then, to be amazed.
Nature comes forward.
Affection flows from an unknown source, 
whatever the case. 
Teachers become the guiding source.
Ups and downs put more,
keeping inspiration ablaze.
My path is a bit different.
I asked for help.
Help from those,
whom the world calls, our own.
I saw people being helped from own.
Was denied time and again.
Tried hard, only led to blame.
Then, gave up.
Fought alone and felt grown up.
Surprisingly, small victories added.
Peace of mind, slowly met it.
Confirming, what I did, was right
and long deserved it.
Now, no need to please everyone.
What pleaseth heart has to be done.
Norms when followed impressed none.
Suddenly I felt, I've won.
Their sons behave as what in their minds,
they've fed it.
Though I'm alone, still with better company.
Where no one to put down, or deal with treachery.
No burdens along except truth and strong will.
Hard work confirms I'll get what I till,
depending on the amount of drill.
I don't need to ask, if I'm wrong?
Love in the heart, when not dealt tenderly, sours it.

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