Saturday, August 17, 2013

Life is beautiful

Death is scary,
When life is beautiful.

I died yesterday.

It was a dream.

I was left behind
to be burnt
in the funeral pyre.

My son said,
Our life was not the same.

I can well imagine.
After all,
It was his very own dream.

He was angry with me.
Why you painted that God?

And a dreadful red scene.
It all led to my sorrowful dream.

I consoled him,
Such dreams hold opposite meanings.

It provides longevity instead.

Though within,
I was correlating..

Am I wandering?
Pushing myself to extremes.
When I need to just relax and 
feel the beam..

One thought leading to another.
Day dream,
It's enough now..

I must come back to life
No matter what it brings.
I will write and draw better scenes.

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