Thursday, August 22, 2013

Mothers, loving creatures.

You say, you have a loving mother.
I see, you have an undoubtedly loving mother.
I envy how she clears all your stuff,
the cupboard, your hub,
saving you from silly bothers.
Ah the result, an uninterrupted study.
You wonder, what's new in that?
Mothers are like that.
Sorry, I didn't mean that.
Should I share or not?
Oh, it has happened many times,
Now, I hide not.
When I'm with a book, my mother cribs.
She doesn't know how much 
this attitute in me high dose toxin instils.
I feel like crying, but I do not.
What the last line I was reading, I forgot.
I've stopped sending laundry home instead.
To save money I do my bit.
What she expects from me, 
Should I become maid or what?
She doesn't like any of my friends.
Please avoid coming my home,
she'll make me feel ashamed!
She may scold me badly infront you.
You may think to say me forever adieu.
Never mind, I'll save our friendship.
I'll do for you an extra bit.
But, don't unfriend me, please..
She's like that. I always hide it.
She screams, abuses, hates me like sin.
I feel like an abandoned, without kith or kin.
Sometimes I make her proud, as she claims.
She has her problems then she blames.
She's fine but for only a short while.
She finds no fun amongst the work that piles.
She has no help, so she yells.
She then makes for me, a real hell.
To put aside books, is impossible for me.
To be selected in a professional course,
has become a curse for me.
Your father arranged for you tuitions,
and mine, he denied.
The reason I had to burn more midnight oil.
It took more time to achieve what I wanted to be.
And there went the credit to parents who never
bothered what I would be.
They could have been more considerate, I know.
Education I think helps to think so.
Oh! They both were well educated, to my dismay.
Today, I'm striving to be a mother whose love
is sought.
Who shouts with displeaure when feels unproud.
Luckily, my husband understands what I went through.
He provides cushion in times of such blues.
A sixth sense I wish, all mothers had.
What their child needs long before their tears are shed.
What if mother becomes the cause of tears?
Refuses love and support, leaves child alone to bear?
Speaks harsh words imprinting everlasting bruise.
Still, she's mother because she brought in such world,
where all's not true, like,
Mothers are loving creatures.

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