Saturday, August 10, 2013

No choice..

I wish was there..
it's about the noise I care..
One after another, 
plays the same song..
Deliberate or by mistake, 
it's unclear..
'Alas, I don't let any change come along.'
realized in a prayer..
I hear the whirring wings of bees at night,
fancying heather being visited to gather pollen..,
and soft giggles avoiding goose bumps while  
startling elves appear upon their brown backs..
Flashes and lights, too much to bear and
aimless wandering in distant places I never hear..
Screams of disgust being throttled then and there,
understood thoughts pop up suddenly to handle,
'Where's time.., what a wastage sheer?'
Eyes wide awake fumble for lights..
pending tasks creating chaos in slumber, 
hard to steer..
I've no choice, 
but to work late at nights..

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