Sunday, March 31, 2013


I tell you that comes in my mind
Amid all thoughts its priority in the line
Yeah, what I was saying
Actually I was thinking since dine
When you think read think connect
reconnect and connect
A train of thoughts is built
Sometimes feels good sometimes free will
Rewards the brain that center activated
Again and again you find the same
When deviates from rhythm you feel the blame
And realize that it was all in your brain
As in reality, nothing existed
I told you beforehand
I'm a patient psychiatric

let go

Stop seeing me
And I'll also not see you
It's You who tell me you do
So, if I don't come to know
I'll just see and go
Nothing more to say so
Thanks and let go


I don't know much about rhyme or poetry
Still I write
To communicate to you
I know no twists of words
My words express very simple and pure
Yes, I'm sure
Let me ask,
Why you call a whore?
What have I done?
I was enjoying my profile having plain fun
And then ..., a matter of past
Now, I've lost at last
I battle no more
I was what I was
Now, what I am?
An outcast?
Regrets I carry not
Many times I was warned a lot
"Don't take it seriously, though.."
Why you came?
Didn't you know, I had a past?
Now your not what I thought
No your someone I must forget fast
Your hands care for many
Lips..sorry it's not to be mentioned..
Public knows your history witnessed
many times as special telecast
Your emotions limited to words you write
That too, who knows for whom
I'm fooling myself I knew from the day first
It's no doubt a unique story
with no motives no where leading
Just a time pass..
'Cause it happens in air to be forgotten
When reality strikes away from net, so fast..
Don't worry
It happens, is Okay
Hope you take in good mood this blast
As I'm habitual of taking yours..
Too often !

not now..

closed eyes pray for words
those words, able to express
that expression too difficult to hide,
for what is hidden has a meaning
meaning only one can understand
an understanding makes Him supreme, an apart
So when they ask what's there for me?
and i show them words, asking
"do they mean anything to you,
do they touch you..?
do you think they are for you?"
though they admire they deny the fact, asking
"what it holds for you, the poet or the poetry?"
they can't see through my eyes, in my eyes
i breathe words made of gold
there's no need to know they're for me,
just enough or more
a heart simply knows the love it was in search
shines ever brightly shows divinity or cure
imbibed without asking,
"it's for me? are you sure..?"
hardest past is not remembering
forgetting seems impossible now,
time made possible then somehow
but i know, not now..

at a distance..

there's a distance,
at a distance
where wishes grow,
where smiles flow,
where tears fail to go,
at a distance,
emotions are so much more
than handled with confidence sure..
there are bells ringing,
birds singing,
winds playing,
trees swaying
all at a distance..
everything is better at a distance,
as one is player at words
creates scenes luxurious..
always exists a vast distance
between a dream and a reality..
at a distance..


more doubt
doubt you should
your fake
i'm fake
there's no room for doubt..

just keep..

scared i am,
fierce i will be..
unsure i am,
forceful i will be..
just b'cause,
i'm no where found
don't guess an unsound..
my mark will be there
who made it though,
there will no one be
to ask or look around..
i'm alone
i think, need no one around
gathering small bits of happiness
in insignificant things around..
my company you seek
or own protection your aim
i see through you,
as you do to me
accustomed to adversities
i'm naive though
unprotected i go
whatever outcome
who cares the weak?
i'm not seen
i don't make my presence feel
just watch and go
for there's a stairway
the same stairs for up
meet them also way down
flow unseen
no bother or freak
just keep..


i hold a question mark
that question He has given me
there's No answer i find
there's No solution i see
i hold a question mark
will keep holding it
it's a destiny

left reading..

Books are there
People are there
Books with people go together
People with books so less some rare
People who know
People who read
People who see
Books are there
who let them be, be..
Emerged lives so varied
some bound some free
Thoughts poured when read
Acceptance matters not
Just read just read..
That's why,
People with books
So few to seek
Are they left meek?


No, engraved are the words
Imaginary worlds
You see
I see and ignore
Being not so sure
My mind capable enough
To judge them
Leaving behind
Pains, should I hide?
Again unsure,
I move away from shore..
Nothing certain
What's use of all
When all's going to change
That's sure
I remain far
Not wanting to be part of
The change..
I wish,
I remain certain, unchanged, sure
In a world
that's different from..
There's no cure.


I've so many things
I have to say
though will not say
b'cause you know them

Saturday, March 30, 2013


Do you need sympathy?
No, you do not.
The one who gives others
Has enough for himself too
In his stock..
He doesn't need anything.
What made you think,
I put you down?

your nothing

give me my missing numbers
for i know you have them
you said
your a friend?
wanted to help?
now, when i ask,
you don't notice.
i knew before,
your nothing.

lost and found..

Against the gravity their trunks grew
on mountains not too tall
these pines never bent though
they shed their leaves in a while for all
green brown or red for eyes to see
their aim is to grow beyond a foresee
while rainless cloud waves them a bye
their washed being still can hear their muffled sounds
the roar and showers with ice balls crumbled down
piled up mixed with mud soon are no where found
with hands folded, eyes look up sending prayers
for those who know the true meaning of lost and found..

Monday, March 25, 2013

live or die, but..

Why we live?
Why we die?
Reasons are same for both..
When one has no reason to live of his own
The person is given reasons to live for others
His life is no more his own
His life is more precious than those who live
for reasons of their own..
Have we not heard such great men who
lived and died not for reasons of their own..?
And when were gone,
the world cried as if they were their own..

will you..?

If I ever stretch out
my hand when i fall
just for you to hold
will you notice
or let go as
a passing thing
doubting my motives,
making me doubt too
before i make a move
all the way doubting
myself why i did so?
this time i need
for i'll lose
whatever i made
with you..
only you can
bring all back
maybe it holds
nothing for you
still your kindness
will show enough
light if you just once
allow it to..

daggers here..

What if God is seen
I mean felt in every being
They boast like this
As if they know almost
They're paranormal beings
Behaving like jerks
Seeming super human beings
Do they see something?
Oh no they just know
Through their own sense
What nonsense?
Non sense to you
But I believed..
Why? happened such that...
And it's unable to explain
whyz howz like that..
A laughing stock is what you
present yourself to be
Personality split into many
Psychiatrist puts you
into a category
Different from normal
Accept it
or deny,
Are you still
Super Human Being?
I believe and follow
Like a God
Not much shallow
People ask me howz
And I'm left with sorrow
Diagnosing myself
I'm not normal
I need to be
Before it makes my life
All hollow
In Your words
F***k the fellow!


final home is always in death..
most welcoming..
never denying..
all else, false.


who are you?
my mother?
my father?
my brother or sister?
cannot be husband,
then why you care?
sorry mistaken,
why will you care?
have you felt,
no not felt,
exactly known
ditched by someone
your own..?
no body has, as they say..
liars they are,
as i think, but never say
they think they are gods
playing with life
my life
who gave them right
they don't say, yes
they always say, no
they throttle in between
and now let me say, who are no where
no role to play
is it not fact,
do i run after ..?
never shall i admit or say
i try finding lost gaps
what they have to say
there i find only hurt
only hurt
only hurt..
i cannot demand
another life
nor can i end this one
just wish all fades in shades
but shall always keep
those words losing meanings
with time
just to remember
among all those whom
were predefined
there happened
an undefined
always calling
then pushing away
ditched all my life
why was such strife?
why was such strife?
wish it was simple
a simple life
where wishes were granted
before asking
where no hurt prevailed
where content followed
without effort
where mind was at rest
thinking what happened
was for my best..
but alas..its all
should i say, a mess?
well, i bother no more
one day i'll close eyes
for sure..
just sure..
no gods to please
no success or sorrow
nothing to share
nothing to borrow..

who cares?

A strip of joys
brought by tiny flowers
colorfully inviting though
on the side of road
failed to fade away
dark gloom stuck
heavily to the ground
brought by heavy downpours
Waited to be touched,
to be admired,
to be inspired,
but all in vain..
The aim was
already gone,
before coming of dawn,
death of emotions,
death of aspirations,
aimless living,
only mattered most..
Lost longing
brought to ashes
all fading
out of grip
slipping through hands
Weary feet
condensed in a closed sphere
No never relying
on any bright colors
facing darkness not new
nothing meant fair
Not caring for oneself
or any expected share
deep within realize
all's false
all's unfair
this life
has to fade
is fading everywhere..
who cares?


It feels like
Not something..
Not everything..
But that feeling
Of losing..
In darkness,
A ray of Lost..
Never to find,
That lost hope..
Darkness everywhere
No candles lit near
A sorrow to share
No one,
No where..
Fading all..somewhere..
Don't know,
Just lost
Just lost
Just lost
Where to gather..?
Just where?
Don't know..
Mind's blank
A blank stare..
Just stare..
Darkness everywhere.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

nothing's there..

Do you know?
I know..,
You're there..
Watching me?
I feel uneasy, shy.
May be,
unable to be,
what am I?!
It's uneasy
You see
No one feels like me
When you're not there
I feel
You must be there
Confusing though
Does not go,
And you say,
You let go,
Like everything..
Is it so?
May be
Nothing to mind.
Am I blind?
Never mind..
Life goes on..
Somedays' close..
Distant dreams..
Must fade..
Isn't it?

Friday, March 22, 2013

This night..

Witnessing eyes'downpours
The reasons you knew, of course..
Smiling on see-saw of lunar moon
Unaffected by storms down on earth
Looking up to you
Asked for wishes to come true..
Suddenly filled with mirth
Amused by focus shifted to stars
Filled in galaxy's full girth
You showed them in threes
One shining very brightly
Others a bit less successively
Guessing my unpleasant thoughts
Showed me two brighter than the other
Still not pleased pointed three in line
All shining brightly, defining sight
Forgetting all sad past
I came down to earth
No, was not a dream !

On the top!

Walking through uphills 

Panting in between

Catching up breaths

Those pausing moments..

Pleased to see 

An easy downhill

Here we go..

An hour and a half, daily walk

Why and where?

From my village to work place

It rests on the top!

Days, at the door..

Old age invites all at home
Remembering how once they too beautifully bloomed
Sharing treasures of experiences
Laughter found in a corner somewhere hidden
A little time here and another spent there
How well gone how much did they fair
Beneath all they have a soft heart
They want to know how much they too are taken to heart
Just reach out to them, make yourself a start
Wait and in no time they open their hearts
You're their best friend of that moment,
Making their faces shining, their spirits up
As you hear forgotten stories, not much cooked up
Their frail hands weaving memories,
With threads left beyond some pavement up
They show you the real green does exist
A walk and some more will bring former back
Its worth sitting besides them hearing them all day
You're amazed how much more is left for them to say
Keep listening, keep listening, keep listening to them
You think you're caring ?
Oh no, please shed this make up
Treasure their words for they are true
Fortunate are those who're allowed come close to
Days are not farther than presumption's belief
A day stands at the door when a lending ear you too would need
To bring back lost stories, those laughter sans care,
Life is not tears, for there's much more to share..

Thursday, March 21, 2013


No, not a shadow
A perfect human being
Reminding me of You

He entered bus and
made me think something

Those days..
You sitting beside a lake

So distant..

Always left me dreaming..
Just for my sake..

Nothing happened..

Today, you know
As I was praying,
Forgiving and forgetting..

He sat beside me
Made me thinking,
He's an image of you,
very resembling..

While unknown wetness
at corners of my eyes,
Made him think,,,

My family far away,
I was remembering...

Monday, March 18, 2013


My steps have brought me to a place..

My feet all washed with waters made of tears..,

Those pensive ones turn out to be of joy!

Started with lust as now looking back,

Love found in the way as grew much faith and trust.

How long I've waited for you O mortal being?

You've lost in the way as were nothing..

I left all to be with you,

Tho' you're seen no where..

My journey's not futile though..

Fire of bickering had burnt my soul..,,

Laughter of folly put mistrust, had halted my goal..

I've walked and am walking more..

Your company I no more lure.

My way is leading me where I need none.

I feel being led by an altogether different force.

It's promising where all other promises have no meaning.

All seem to be going farther and farther away.

Who where how are reasons vanishing each day...

Yes, more and more enlightening..!

As burdens lighten, dues paid in a slow steady way..

Let me go away..far, more far away....

Sunday, March 17, 2013

dreams are reasons..

don't take away my dreams
they're the sole reason of my fairytale themes

don't remind they're all false
don't think i'll get astray in such beliefs

they're part of my soul
every breath i take with me they sing

deep hidden promises only for my eyes to see
tho' for you he's gone his whispers to me they reach

never stop me from praying my prayers i will make them reach
one day all will see the fruits tho' promises are hard to keep

don't snatch my dreams tho' are dead at surface
a spin of magic breath keeps them alive beneath..

Saturday, March 16, 2013


in a fit of rage
i'll delete them not

with cool mind one day
i'll read them all

only to realize
i don't give a damn thought
about this life..

then when i know i've made
and done all

these will be deleted from my mind
though remain here forever
never remembered by any at all..


thankyou for letting me
who are you
where are you
what you've become
i know my words matter least
coz they lack lyrics and rhythm
sorry i didn't know who you were
i was not meant for you
its good that we never met
not ought to .
at last you've put in my brains
i was foolish to dream
this time you've used me enough
what about those who see you in person
how they..?
No i stop here
no need more to say
but before i say bye
i'll not read you at all
not put a strain on my brain
 i hope you'll too change your channel
and never listen my voice
afterall i'm now somebody's
proud dedicated mother and wife:)
we can never be friends.

cherishing hatred

Friday, March 15, 2013

who are you where are you

want to talk to you.
where to meet you.

leave all.
do you want me this
to do?

i can.
not aware if i'll
survive your uncare..

still i dare.
not caring fair or unfair

don't ask why?
its simple
can never say bye..

what will i face?
the unfaced disgrace
lose the lost pace

after all
towards death
we all race.

i'm yours or his
its not such case.

what happens

is known to God
is allowed by His grace..


want to know the depth..?
depth of what..?
what were you then?
what i knew about you?
you never let me know anything
always hid everything
and i gave everything..
you were cause of my  depression
did i give you one?
my everything means
every moment till i was sure you'll
not reply..
a big NO i was slapped brutally
off you went..
i wept you never did for me
you went and made a history
did you miss me these years?
did you ever search for me?
what love and its depth you talk about
when you've had many gals in your life
still you do have
if there is love one never goes further
sticks to that person
have you done so?
one day you sing lofty praises
the other day you call the person whore
in fact your depression is evident
i told you beforehand
never hid anything
then why you change?
you found me first
now too
coz i was something now at least
did you come when i was nothing?
and you talk of depth?
your most immature being
you want to convey your feelings
at the same time hide
what should i make out from it?
but now i have omething to hold to
my marriage
my kids
you may find emotions less fight more in it
but it is my armor
my savior in face of you
my love is meant for those who are mine
and undoubtedly they are mine
do you have guts to break such bond? cannot!
coz your love is nothing
mere words of poetry
which can be preserved can be read again and again
but can provide no support
my marriage my kids
are bound to support and love me
they know i do connect to you
its there love which makes me do
they have faith on me
they trust me
they support me
he knows me
you do not
you cannot
you talk of depth..?
i with out fear declare i love you
have you ever done so?
Has anyone ever told me
you loved or love me?
Everything is evident
Everything is clear
It's better you marry off the girl
you roam about with
No, i doubt you'll do so
coz you love no one actually
you simply wonder about these words
what they are?
the one who loves truly
goes ahead and gets it
love gives courage to do so
Sorry, you're too far from all this
Better keep singing and dancing
and entertaining masses who love
This is what love is for you..
Never talk of depth..
B'cause you don't know still..
Enough writtene
if pain is what we can give
each other
better don't watch over me
i too will not come your place.
you talk of plans?
what plans?
if i'm strain to your brain
so are you to me
what will i gain
i'll only lose your way, have lost much already.

no title needed

i'm addicted
i know now
can't breathe
without anymore
withdrawal wants
a sure cure
should i change?
change to what?
hard to find
easy to blame
its my fault
i must go!

Thursday, March 14, 2013


it crawled on the floor
came in through the hole
i dared not put a foot down
the whole night sat on an edge
with out making a sound.

at the break of day
people came around
i got my lost ground
when i heard you saying;
"why didn't you ring me?"

i was another second angry
tho' didn't show it
b'cause you were the one
changing in between
you were still standing beside me

while i cursed the moment
and its neglected demand
i didn't crush you due to
some lack..

you survive 'cause
i act weak and am damn lazy..


take away your bottle
of vinegar;
a single drop
has spoiled my day.
please stay away!


if you die before
i too leave this sea
if i die before
will you follow me?
no, not judging the depth..
its as one sees
better would be,
live, remain happy
even without me,
as you always do?
what's this
just an emotional writing spree?
have we not lived
forgetting eachother?
why now try the lost deal?


amidst turmoil rains
pouring at midnight,
your hurting again..
do you wish as I do
for myself,
to  be out of sight?
b'cause I don't know,
where I strayed
from being right?
but then,
I'm blind to my faults indeed
show me the way despite..

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

How many, how much..?

To get a touch,
A touch of assurance..
A touch of care..
A touch of much more to share..
I wandered here and there,
Till I saw you in my dream;
As you danced to heavenly tunes
Tying your watch to the wrist.
How many births will I be kept waiting
To tell you,
How much You've been missed..?

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

all's right

this is world
for all
each has own say
how many are heard?
without asking
are pushed in a direction
where their minds don't stay..
every time voice has to be raised
lest you're forgotten
and if you're lazy like me,
every thing seems alright.
why fight?


What is happiness?
Being content.. whatever you have. a way
I am happy.
My past doesn't haunt me.
It watches over me,
guides me,
shows me the right way
by making me realize my shortcomings,
my mistakes..
I don't feel the need to push away my past..
It holds sweetest memories
I would never like to part with them
..till my breath last.

Monday, March 11, 2013


Tell me O Soul
What you think is love?

When one keeps seeing the other
or feeling suffices to be called love?

I ask you this question
'cause you neither were born
nor you grow old.

My soul smiled
Just went through my life file

The answer I got left me

The fleeting feel is not love at all

The feeling that brings a tear in each eye to hold,
no matter that feeling has faded and is much old

~It must be only love..
even if eyes don't ever see them,
or you may grow old..

Sunday, March 10, 2013

That's all..

Somebody was shouting out
Due to much noise, nothing seemed clear
After much effort poor fellow
was able to tell
was in fact yelling at me
And I thought was for somebody else
As in our class
There were three people who had
similar names..
Is it to me you put query?
Do I really sound that weary?
Why now?
Why not then?
Again same repeated questions..
I feel like killing you
Yes, literally killing you!
Weird I may be
And so are you
Much much more than me
Incomparable equations
Let's leave..
I was saying then..
Let me elaborate,
when I was spending both moon-full and moon-less nights
on my terrace till break of dawn,
yeah right,
was always thinking about you..
When no reason others found for
swollen morning eyes though they thought
I slept more than all..
When I tore all that was beautiful hanging
on my room's wall..
When I didn't know what and why I was
doing at all,
chanting days and nights not knowing you at all..
Sounds absurd..
She said, it's one sided
the other fellow bothers not..
Wise like you say,
It was not love at all..
A disease may be..
Medications cured may be..
I'm still standing some how in this world
after all happenings brought to fall..
Am I different from what I was?
I'm the same..not changed at all..
I yelled then too,
As I yell now..
Then was before those who brought you news
Now others are of no use
You're always here to abuse
So easy for me an excuse
I wouldn't apologize my ways
Nor do I mean to judge you
Have no right to do..
You write
I read sometimes write as now I do
This is what an unadulterated conscience tell me,
That's all.

why worry what i am

I'm all that what you say

Why you worry what I am

You've many more around you

Expensive world salutes you

Why worry what I am

What have you been to me?


And nothing I am to you..

Never were you mine

Never will be

Never destined to meet

In past present future

I am what I am

No one worries

Why do you?

You rightly say

Thank you.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

i accept!

nothing common
never known
i didn't start
you gave hints
don't you?
and one can say
he didn't
a puzzle
no girl has time
to be trapped
i did
wise say, yes
and so do i
i agree with them
and wonder
how could i?
not to worry
i didn't move
to say something
never could have
even if
not in senses
how can it be a loss
when i didn't move a bit
nor did other..
why all this?
what this?
no one to move
don't know
cannot tell
what's going on
i write sometimes here
he writes all time there
then how come..?
i don' t know
cannot tell
hears or what?
may be
no, sure..he does
otherwise how could..?
no, nothing
there's nothing exactly
going on
it's in my mind
no one can believe
no one does
then, how..?
i don't know
never will i know
no, not mystery
may be he doesn't want to..
then why does he..?
i'm confused
will not believe
what's written there
but then why do i go and read
should not
must not
no, must not
never will
but then sometimes
i do feel happy
when some spiritual thought..
well then sometimes derogatory note..uh
it's disgusting then
bu then
i'm in another world
only imagined long back
seems coming true
oh! he knew
these are my thoughts
who has written these
did he?
how come he know me so well?
is he the one doing all this
no, no one will ever believe
is he human
super natural or what?
cannot tell
but then why is it happening with me
or its just in my mind?
where i'm being led
not in this world
fairy tale? sometimes..
writing skill may be
oh, yes
is it harmless?
no, not always
certain thoughts should not be evoked
no need to
because life demands not
a plain road has to be walked
but then when was this road plain
at least words accompany
wherever i go
no one's so near than these words
even if false
i live in another world
am afraid will fall from heights
heights which don't exist
no hopes
definitely i will fail
failed i have always
i'm ready this time
to fail
once more
cry once more
disgraced once more
just to feel
what love feels like
even if it is false
without hopes or promises
don't know writing
just read, read and read
all the way knowing
it carries no meaning
am afraid
somewhere my psyche believes
a truth exists
afraid to accept
it's for me
for if i ask
it will be denied
so not good
i fail
failed i always have
so not afraid of drowning
for death is my last wish
am happy
will be easily fulfilled
i love death more than this life
each day i pray
lead me to death
lead me to darkness
these lights
this life
not meant for me
i don't fit here
i'm not for this place
hell i accept
no hopes for heaven
hell shall be for me
i accept!


if she's that good
dreaming to be good wife
why wasting time writing
if its true
please prove
with a bang
not just gossip
but to reality land

Not much I Ask.

I'm not here for lies.

Were they lies?

I cannot write more or ask.

Being hurt is my decision.

The truth

The reality

Lies before

What else to ask?

I beg,

Exempt me from your




True or false

So that

I stop coming

To live life given to me

By grace of God.

when mind works..

don't you see
it's you who lies
you'll agree
just to gain attention,so that people
praise you..
Wow, what a guy?
I deeply realize
amidst your cheatings
and fantasies
I still hardly respond..
because I know
It's all false..
But when it accumulates
in mind becomes difficult
truth to find after rewind re-rewind..
I don't know what you mean it
Or do you really mean it
Because all comes one after
the other with no pause..
There's common
a connection
soul mates
what not..
And in some an entirely
different talk..
Are they mere ingredients
for your work..
Forgive me beforehand
I dare say,
You and your work,
Are dangerous
No matter you seem like
A saint a lover or
Nothing at all..

You can be all
yet are nothing at all.

it's difficult to fantasize

extremes of emotions
extremes of descriptions
reading lines visual meanings
human brain after all..

you writing
one after the other
exploiting everyone around you

I cry true tears
Not mere rainfall..

What brains you hold
Manipulating as you wish
Building something tall

Beyond being human
Who are you?

It's difficult to understand
Tell me
So that it may be easier
to forgive you..

Don't say fickle
I'm simple but true.

Friday, March 8, 2013


Your true love lies
with your cheap
You fit absolutely
well with them
Your cheap too!

Never 'Me' !!!

You can
 (wats cain?)
(i know i'll never know
nor need to..anyways..)
as much as you
have capacity (abound of course)

Why dream?!

I'm not a writer
being a poet
never was my dream
I dreamt one thing
Always believed
Will come true
Though reality once
ruined it..
That dream,
became a forgotten dream..
Never to be remembered..
That dream though left me
Survived some where
Held my promises to heart
Never followed me
But some where existed..
Ages passed..
That dream did last
Not with me though
In the distant past..
When I sleep
I hear agonising voices
Though not calling me
Yet I'm distracted..
Seems my dream is calling me..
Remembering me..
Taking me to that very distant past..
I find no way
I yearn in my sleep
There's unending longing
that breaks my sleep
Leaves no peace..
Awakening finds me tired..
Always thinking about that dream..
Unable to follow
With a deep hollow
I carry my days
An unending sorrow
Understanding, trust, love
were components of my once
Unfulfilled dream
My soul still screams
Who's responsible
My self or He
Who just watches and muses
At my misery..???

Thursday, March 7, 2013

times change..

brokn chair in the dining
hands of clock not moving
windows without glass
chilled air surpassed
rats roaming from hall to wet grass
abandoned not yet
changing times changed all
don't think this is all.
it was long time back..
now children playing football
their mother yelling to call for breakfast
one and all..

True search..

There's nothing left
It seems..
True love?
What's that?
They say,
Only mother gives..
I'm not sure,
For I ne'er felt like this..
Those whose love touched
Times proved them fading and wrong
Is there love called true?
Responsibilities only make people glued
Misery follows as there's no option
When one fights with one's own
To balance what's given for what's sown
Making an eternal connection with unknown
Praying each day for strength
To make right amidst forlorn
Yes that is what they say then I get now
Love yourself first
As God lives in all..
Is that 'true' love?

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

At display..

Meet so many in a day
Many stories come to life
As I listen to them what they say
Observing their natural gestures
A keen eye I lay
Making out the hidden meanings
My mind colors them
Dark or light
Depends on mood..of course!
Poetry says much more
Felt like never before
"Was it that way..?
Oh yeah..may be.."
They're sure, yet unsure..
While I smile away
Searching new stories
To write with slight twist and play
Emotions I carry of all
They imbibe me not
With ink on paper
Just float away
Readers ponder in awe at such
Magnificient display..
It's my passion
I do this all nights and days..
I don't mind..
Think what you may!

Hard but sure!

Falsity hard to hide
Seeks attention
Only for fun
Has short duration
Makes one laugh
Then far away run
Tears futile in such case..
Reality though drenched with tears
Brings strength
Have patience to bear
Laughter brought later but stays
Even reverberates in air
After last breath..
Enjoy that real pain
Pleasure brings less gain..
Adversities are meant to face
Converted to blessed duties
That's true grace..
Many times heard before
Trying once will make a habit
It's hard but sure!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


"Hold, that pen of yours..
Don't write
for you're not meant to..
for all emotions not to be shown
hide what you've got..
ev'n not in a poetry form..
there you'll be
for what you're not.
So hold all you have deep inside
As may hurt you more
when will be talked about.."

Interfere naturally..

Nature prohibits..
Nature silences..
Nature interferes..
Small stops you don't notice
Genes vanished thereon..
Were they destined for such results
Or decisions taken at the last moment
Led them away..
See now the final products,
We've seen ourselves..
What would have happened if
They were allowed to stay?
Were you and me some different?
Different we have become,
As they say?
Nature leads us to what we become
Our own destructors,
To our and nature's dismay!

All's in

Praise be to the Lord
Who gives, gives and keeps giving..
Without expecting..
Can we not see?
Not always..
Going inside brings light
Reasons of misery and pain are known
Calmness is destined
Only when one goes in..
He only provides Guidance
Just wait and watch,
Stop complaining..

Waiting area of life..

Varied emotions waiting to be explored
People come and leave
Definite effects they leave on others
As many as they have from others
Giving and taking, a way of life
Inapparent indistinct subtlest of feeling
Vibrates till farthest of being feels the same.
A laugh not missed sets deep to heal
Tender spots remind if are unsealed
People talk, talk and talk, no end
Mere talk is heard everywhere
Chaos created deliberately
To miss what has not to be shared
Darkness everywhere
In hearts especially..
Calculations to feel free
An eternal slavery sans glee
No use shouting screaming hitting oneself
Why feel captive of such scheme?
Why shed tears to feel weak?
Change is waiting at the next turn
For you and me
Accept this unacceptance  
It’s not meant for us
Don’t you see?

Who does?

There are no reasons
Simply no reasons
For what they do or say..
Folly on their part
Knowing what’s going
No matter what
They just do what they do
It’s not their mind
Is it their heart then?
No, their minds..
No, may be hearts..
May be, none at all
They just do it
No results they care..
Or despite caring, they dare
Or daring has no role
Something unknown
Without prior knowledge
Takes them there
Who does so?
When no answers to cure
We say,
Someone up above.

Monday, March 4, 2013

tried touching the sky, yet not so high

The leveled surface
abandoned evenness
long ago creating
valleys and mountains
with trees and rivers
to follow..
Not only it ran further
forming bumps to fall
and falter,
Raising mountains bathed
in sunshine,
Smile to sky
"At least we've tried
touching you,
yet not so high.."
Who says it's true,
One can never
fail the sky!


For a short distance,
For another some,
After a while,
just blankly gazed..
Felt sorry as
Nothing I could get..
May be
Not able to make out
Where the treasure lay..
Better move on,
without a shout..
Suddenly I found..
A defined way to feel
Bowed down,
Touched the ground..
Thanked for unknown blessings
Life provides to go
happily around..

Sunday, March 3, 2013


browns and greens waver
with slanting rays of sun
as whites disappear
into approaching dark
jealous ambiance helplessly
stood watching quick
hiding of the sun behind
a small hill
a reminder of another hill
from where it will reappear
in hours from now
brings smiles in anticipation
of curvy lanes with small
and huge vehicles moving
up and down
as for now
small lanterns glow on earth
matching with stars above..


where are my breaths
hard to find them
unable to hold them
these steps are hard
the way is too steep
slower speed
steps on stairs
better or fair
experience to share
liking more of it
more and more ahead
looking back
dizziness puts brakes
support vanishes
steps reach on top
the topmost top
i'm alone
coming back
steps move down
to join you all!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Live alive

Rejoicing bright
Their birth right
This year for them
Illnesses out of sight
Between the ages
Varied areas wait
An immeasurable drive
To feel good with life
If possible donate
And yourself also thrive
Great thoughts there to
grab and imbibe
To keep lives happy and alive..

Man and Nature

Trees abound know not their fate
a small distance away,

As thousands of them already being felled
and swayed,

For huge monuments of iron and bricks
in their place to be laid.

Beauty of unevenness disappearing each day

Predictive applications put on paper to appear
before eyes in coming days

We silently observe
Wealth of nature deliberately swept away

There's a cry we opt not to hear or agree to
keep from our minds away..

Mountains no more boast pollution free

Coz man as supreme being is determined to take all away

Till times come proving disastrous results
bringing utmost need to stop and pray..

Friday, March 1, 2013

Pick up still..

Always a bit more less
Spheres of life mock at
Waking to doze off again
or to realize shortcomings
Without much to do
Picking up still
One or two
At a time
Little, very little
 Bit by bit
Within a short span of time
Shows results
Improving or remaining same
Resisting backward
Whistles in mind of
Mindless plans
A pause for distractions
Courage speaks be tall
With a hidden scare
If I fall
Destination calls
Right, just right
For you and all.

Last breath

Loss left thoughts dry
An arid desert
Days sluggishly crawled
Short shadows failed in mid way
Guidance disappeared
Way lost altogether
Absence of God
Conversation hushed
Thorny throat unable for voice display
Eyes weary from distances heavy
Sole idea brought its birth
End this life full of dismay
As dark smokes of burnt hopes
Filled everywhere in space..
Being left gasping for breath.