Saturday, June 29, 2013

Just see..

Tell me,
Where from did you find?
Explain me,
Who asked you to remind?
And lo,
As always you leave me awe struck..,
for you know what needs to be defined..
Some thing some where is though far,
is destined to be..
That He or You know already..
I'm just left to..

Friday, June 28, 2013

blank pages..

Staring at the blankness
waiting for a happening..
Without knowing what
exactly wanting..
Discarding all thoughts
entering mind..
Knowing not fit to be
into a particular kind..
Words vanished from
pages before making
impressions on the

Thursday, June 27, 2013

I admire..

Those palaces that existed once
reverberate plenty of voices
as I can see on your face
when behind wrinkles
your smiles fail to hide
hearing them at the moment..
The top most floor where
winds passed you with a book
leaving with youthful emotions
to hook..
The beauty of those days
which you still reciprocate
by endless detailed mentions
you're missing each of them
so much..
And without being there,
as if I'm living them in your
innocence, knowing
I'm falling for you, each day
admiring more and more,
longing to hear from you,
so much..
I wonder,
Have I been waiting for you
only so long,
for  I've never felt before as such..

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Not mentioned those correlations
Understood by whom?
You, and you alone
Just leave alone
None sought
You got
In different forms
Though pages left
Not opened
Avoided and if seen, ignored
Destiny is always playing a firm role
But then, by itself unapparent force
And lo! Book appears and pages open
without a move
Words dance before you
Left in wonder,
I didn't try, then why?
Answers from where, I didn't require?
Definite destiny inexplicable yet
can be avoided..?!
If not, mind picks a train which has
no where to go,
Ceaseless moving at last breaks all
bridges, topples down from the track
Disaster breaks, and you find,
You're left alone..
There was no love, no promise, no vow
Following mere thoughts
People say, all imaginations to lure
While deep inside you know
How you were made so sure
Was it by you, yourself or
Somebody playing with your
emotions pure?
Defeated in your own eyes
You accept what people say
Though you still wonder and believe
What you saw was just for your eyes to see
without affecting your reality
Mind playing tricks?
Not definitely,
for correlations do exist..
See today,
pages opened by themselves,
bringing forth words of thee
as if reminding me, answers
which only depths of heart can see,
No, not even me..
Or the song which switches on by itself
without intention, and plays something
having answers,, which again only my
heart and its depths can hear or see..
and I say, definitely..
Correlations (connections?) do exist..
Howsoever far may be..

Sunday, June 23, 2013

bitter truth

Life of lies we live..
Pretentious environment
we all give..
Courage is not required
at all.
Who shows truth,
through the doorway
that person leaves..
Learning should come
sooner, the better,
because in the harsh world
an innocent seldom survives..
So next time think its fine
and healthy,
if you've to show you're serious
when you're not,
there may be times when you
ought to laugh despite the pain
inside you've got..
Whenever see such thing happening,
forget me not..

Saturday, June 22, 2013

When poems are lost..

Returning into a small world..
World of what I see..,
That is there for me..
Not at all a fancy,
I leave all fantasy,
It's not meant for me..
I set myself from all 
my expectations from me,
absolutely free..

Not read much.
Many things not heard of,
Can never think about to touch..
Still much to be known..
If I cannot what difference will it make?
What for there is so much rush?
I have no needs or wants.
A small place to close my eyes,
And leave all thinking,
for I can take no more.
My cup is full to brim
It overflows..
I have more than required much..


Years ago..
Not much far
from now..
I see,
things have changed..
I'm not the same..
Words have changed..
What to say?
I cannot write the same,
because feelings have
Am I the same?

Rhyme's a habit

Certain habits I've abandoned
Not questionable, they were bad
Bad indeed because no good
in them they had
Many more I'm going to leave
Not a bit I'm sad
In fact I'm too glad
To get rid off them..!

All's gray..

Trying to get energy
sapped since morning
I looked out of the window..

The gray sky failed
to provide while the mild
winds blew through the door..

A number of trips,
up and down,
here and there,
frustrations, miseries
the more they came, said
better was the situation before..

What if a human given power
of God, will things improve?
With limited minds what God
does prove?

Unlimited is Everything
What seems unplanned is
His own planning..

What will we do to improve?
The work given is not done
as comparisons intrude..

Results are by passed as
all were busy to brood..

How many were there
who despite hardships
till last at their place
undeterred stood?

Friday, June 21, 2013

Someday a book will happen!

What that book holds?
That book of poems
has many stories to be
Discouraged to write,
wastage of time,
were some opinions
I had to face them bold..
I spent nights before it
happened and was sold,
What if someone goes
through its pages will
find an interest unfold?
Like a climber entwined
to twig memories full of
my poems should bring
in dark corners some ray
of hope!
Life holds meanings in
simple ways to bring
greatness, a soul in pain
to mould..
Poems are an art of subtle
mind who defines thoughts
gone untold..,
Reaches an open mind like
fresh air replacing a heart
left so cold..
These are the lines you'll
see some day,
are being foretold..

Father in Heaven..

Not happy with the limited space
I wanted to fly..
Not having any wings I left the try.

I looked here and there and gave
a sigh,
for the mountains before me were
very high.

And there was none to say "that's my"..
Those surrounded were willing only to

While money, the greatest could all buy..
Reached depths of woods no sun came
near by.

I prayed at last to the Lord asking for
knowing all the while I was not the
apple of His eye.

Still to lift me up from where in hard times
I lie,
just to prove I had with Him an unknown
precious tie.

And have faith in Him whatsoever be the
reason for my cry,
for I had been told,
He's the Heavenly Father who hears our
call, is always nigh.

I'm not I.., because I left long back..

Some say, I'm lazy
And I agree to it..
But then something happens
I'm not at all ready to accept
this so soon,
So I get up, be ready
For the call that was held
As if waiting for me to bloom
And no matter how awkward
it may seem
I go on with the work
Howsoever tiring boring
or worthless it has been claimed
by many and myself till last gloom
Unexpected, I'm seen where
no one thought I could do
I believe I'm not doing
Someone else forced me
from where, I have no clue?
But yes, I some how do,
All the while knowing
I detest what I do,
Till I know I'm not I,
because I've left long back
what I ought to do..
Who's doing this is an unknown
Power, God knows whether
I'll ever know the mystery
I've come across before
one day finally I'll face
the final doom..

After rains..

Summer sunshine at its brightest noon
Through orange curtains fills the room
My heart feels those pines standing tall
Windows bring views like never before
Wish to ask and bring, "Are there more?"
Felled by man now left the chosen few
Nearest hill tired like the sleepy moon
Breeze brought in the nature's best boon
Huge rocks broken by the torrential stream
Last havoc reminds how the clouds did scream
Roads blocked allow not to go any further
Crowd awaits to see if one meets the other..?

Thursday, June 20, 2013


I could have
written on a
piece of paper..
written somewhere
and forgotten..
that paper kept
in a drawer or a
part of diary safe
in the cupboard,
never meant to
share, left unaware..
What if that
paper dropped on
ground and by
someone found..
or thrown in a dust-bin
to be lost and never heard
in words of sound..
Words formed by
keyboard as my
fingers type as
my thoughts look
What's the difference?
Some are lost while
some by few
strangers are found..
They remain to be
deleted some day;
Never to be read
or understood,
what to say of
others, e'en I
don't gather
from where they
came, for I never
keep them bound..

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


I cannot hear you,
see you or....
I say my own
not bothering
a bit whether
it's being judged or
thought nothing..
Just the joy of,
freedom of,


Close all the doors
of heart and mind..
Let no space be there
to let anyone in..
Not even the tiniest
of any being..
Then too, they say
He finds the way,
for He ever remains
there from the beginning..
Let me see if there's
a truth, in such a

Howz that?

I wish you were
like dust settled
on and in the
convolutions of my
So easy it would
have been to get
rid off such order
Vacuuming has
such powerful
power removing
the last speck
lying in the deepest
No, such thing
cannot be done..
I guess, you're
stuck there like
a chewing gum,
after it's chewed
and thrown on the
It remains then,
existing in some form
or another leaving
imprints wherever
settling on objects or
on ground..
never completely
gone or not found;
Irritating it sounds!


I give you the place of 'God',
So you becomes You
But are you the God?
May be or may not be?
No one's there to tell me.
Well, I solve such fleeting
puzzle which pops up
now and then
among many thousand
mundane thoughts suddenly
becoming large occupying biggest
portions in my small chaotic
of brain driving me to write..
Write, do I really commute?
Does it reach you?
I see, it does..!
So I opt, not to see.
Prior to happening it happens..
And I say, it's God!
So God does exist.
In your form?
Everywhere it does!
On the other day, I saw
on walls, curtains, calendar,
my own reflection in the mirror
and even on that small garden pot;
Oh that small tumbler filled
with water also revealed God.
Now it's you..?
Anything expected in between
my mood swings..
Aptly diagnosed with imbalance
of chemicals in mind milieu,
of a schizophrenic..!
I think so are you?!
And you are You, the God..
God is a schizophrenic
or Schizophrenics are God!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Life on Earth..

It's not to be shared
It's not to be told
What the feeling is that
leaves heart so cold?
There's no wonder left
No curiosity that holds
Absolutely nothing comes
though happiness I was told..
There's no day (perhaps)
standing among the days
to come to tell me about
where my heart wants to run,
such place whether exists on
this earth?
While moon's shadow forms
gloomy clouds on psyche,
I was confident to fulfill
my desires wrapped
since birth..
Will there be a rebirth?
This time not (perhaps)..,
coz I've known for grounds
where seeds sown brought
by dreams full of mirth,
have you ever gone
to such place?
Oh there is dearth!
It's the reality who is cruel
and powerful at all times
on this ever revolving earth..
I agree life is sustained
by the sun keeps hopes
breathing though,
but alas, there are dark
demons enough to suffocate
then engulf them before love
comes to nurture them from
a disdain curse..
It's but an earth..
Needing an escape from
such cycles of deaths
and rebirths..

No where..

An idea of sitting
pondering upon
different maters
mid way tasks
missed opportunities
to bask
brings more
what's the need
to ask?
Brought to
a secluded point
where expect
This world
does it connect?
nothing like that,
in fact learning
the term,
just the name
does not suffice.
Mere talk,
layers upon layers
deep into mind
but then why?
The burden of
kept in mind
weighs much
Complex ways
Plenty of chaos
Where takes
this ride?
No where
Except a mere
a search of
both outside
and inside..

Saturday, June 15, 2013

A song

Birds somewhere sing afar
A melodious outburst
Who thinks of war?
Unlettered lips have some song
Their hearts out pour
as no knowledge sought,
effortless bliss comes along..
While curious critics think,
should it be admired so long?
A simple courage pays
ignoring limitations people
throw upon..
Oh,little regard to accept
the norms
An emotional truth,
an appealing form,
a train of thoughts,
felicitates silence that
waited beyond..
Weapons turned against
whose habits known,
honors so sweet bestowed
Though bad past odor
mixes to tell,
don't believe all what these
short term praises sing
like a thousand bells..
They'll soon turn around..
Let humble flowers wait
for their turn,
whether it happens or not,
let cup of hope be filled
to brim and made to run..

Friday, June 14, 2013

Few pages start..

Someone gave me
a book..
I knew well then
when from him
I took,
I will not be able
to go through it.
Yet to keep up
the respect he did
I made time for me
to be alone,
with that book of couse..
He gave it to me with
some hope
Now it felt as if neck
surrounded by rope!
I didn't start from the start;
I didn't go to the last either..
I just opened a part,
some where in the mid;
Read and was glued
to words that were
How many times before
I had felt what was
engraved on those pages?
Soon I wanted to share them
with another whom I knew
would like as I considered
him from the rest apart..
Our moments around
those words brought
more feelings..;
Things in this world we
rarely share or talk about
somehow find their way out
and are discussed in different
light with both best or
worst parts..
At the end of day I do
reflect with an awe
how few pages from a
book can bring so much
in a day to create a life
you had never thought
shades of emotions to spark..

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Who's she?

She was talking too much
Too much, for me to bear
But then You had asked..
Asked me to listen..,,
Listen and listen..
But You know,
I was too tired..
Young enough to be tired
After whole day's work
And I thought,
I deserved much rest..
Still keeping You in my mind
I kept listening her stories
After some time they became
Meaningful, interesting,
And I realized,
I was learning..
Learning to find meanings,
Learning to find interests,
And a lot more..
Tired I was?
Was she not, at 62?
Working more than me,
Walking whole day through
steep ramps and stairs,
Trying to solve problems
helping the needy..
And I felt ashamed of myself
More mountains still left for
me to climb
More troubles still left to face
More misery,
More tears,
More sorrows,
And I felt she carried a treasure
with her..
Ready to share all with the world
Laughed at,
Misunderstood many times,
by the unhelpful and theselfish
Her stories go on and on and on
Ceaseless it seemed
Till I had to get down at my
bus stop.
Willingly waiting for our next
meeting thinking who she is?
She's more behind those deep
wrinkles and a bent frame..

Monday, June 10, 2013

Lamp-Lights and Shadows

Are you a lamp-light
or a shadow?
What years have made
There was no need to
think much..
There was nothing as
But then..
I remembered today,
when I was with the truth
Not afraid for what I have
I may lose
I stood for no one but the
Not exempting the highest
of authorities
They may leave me in dark
For the sake of their own greed
Oh yes, I feel now so free
No torture of failure or death
did touch me
The power of truth proved
the only savior
Left with an everlasting glee
I'm a winner in my own eyes
For in eyes of many for me,
Many lamp-lights I see..

What I was..

Don't remind me of
What I was..

The words have changed
Some arranged
A lot deranged..

Reflecting me,
Reminding me of
What I was..

I no more breathe
I doubt, I live
I have no wait
I have no hope..

But don't you think,
It's dark,
Or a worry
To make a mark,
Though I agree,
A lack of spark..

The words are lost
The thoughts they post
Just say and remind of,
What I was..

Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Sun

Green horses gallop
Is it too fast?
The chariot driven
You with them
Eyes fail
In want of dim
Rays straight
Brighten this side
of earth
While praises sung
Temple bells violently rung
Beyond clouds of doubt
You stay,
A Hopeful Sun.

Friday, June 7, 2013


chaos started
untruth spoke
truth or otherwise
took on palm
fingers crossed
pointed too
didn't know the way
had to be done
in doldrums hanged
that undone
right for wrong
the day is gone
marked as 'done'
wonder waits still
who did?
must be right
as no pain throbs
melody breathed
on winds
mind joined
not a song
but it was sung..

Beginning or An End?

Today or tomorrow?
In fact, was yesterday
Healing started
Maybe was happening
Ceaseless hurts
Insulting and insults
Gripped conscience
It's all lust!
The facts proven
Still many stolen
Favoring undeserved
Day's light reaches
Still not enough
Shades not removed
Shadows lengthen
Sun has again failed.
Tomorrow perhaps..