Sunday, December 30, 2012

A knock, to live

There was a knock
Knock to the doors
My mind unaware
May be closed
Awarded or ashamed
A creature put to blame
Voice silenced
Just because I, a girl
Brutal in minds
Who or where the shine
Darkness gallops
Birth till death
Don't mourn
Don't show
Given a chance
Will you not prove
You too are the one
Brutal minds
Dealing deadly crimes
I, a girl
Am to be blamed
For a girl to be
I avoid too,
To bring..
What's the difference
Between you and me
I, a commodity
For your eyes to see
Your grievous touch
Has set me free
No matter
What show
Everyone knows
If not belong 
Your family
I, a mere commodity
Call me now names
Brutal minds
Your eyes still seek
To snatch and kill
My innocent laughter
Award me 
The Woman of the Year
Brave courageous spirit
While deprived share
Of liberty, not-a-bit
How many hearts cry?
Who are still dry?
With news of rape
Sensation grows
Are they sympathetic
Masks hide practice
Where's the fault?
Upbringing of both
Indecent cures
Glamour, of course
Burn such
Materials and methods
Set them ablaze
Literature/cinema/any dirty gaze
Demolish towers 
Motives behind their praise
Scaring you,
For they have powers
Called demure beings?
Beautiful, hot things?
Answer to them with
Defense skills
Give yourselves such wings
Carry courage to face
An odd, when rings
A victory flag 
No one will give
Create yourself
If want to live..

Saturday, December 29, 2012


Bitter stings
Efforts to organize
A waste
Cheated or cheating
Same feeling
Power hurts
Will lead to 
Dry desert 
Thorny bushes
Goes on

Magical Air

Existence of air
Sustains vibrations
Mine as well as yours
Their journey in turns
Straight away burns
Unaware of power
Were you there?
Vision beyond vision
Felt beyond feeling
Touch beyond touch
Senses undefined
You say,
Can hear me?
I feel,
There's more to it
Beyond conveyed
Deception or welfare
Failed mathematics
Science of spirits
I wish to,
Grow beyond it..


Writing waits..
At the far corner
Searching space
Looks here and there
Almost everywhere
What to hide,
Before feeling subsides
Why this steal,
Scared to unseal
Why not flow,
Not letting go
Where's a blow,
Another way to grow
Something's unfair
Prevents to share
Why not dare, 
Expose bruises bare
Bars fail to break
Darkness ahead
No star to guide
Laws to abide
What to write?
Ready to bite..

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Growing pains (1)

There's a grown up man
With soft funny gaze

All's not funny though
No matter all praise

Every time I face him
He tries to embrace

An inner warning suggests
As discomfort ablaze

Here comes for me
A resolution this year

Next time he does so
My voice I'll raise

Do you too,
See him around?

The Stranger

He escaped those slaps
My hands that mapped
Whose face was wrapped
Who wandered in search of
Knocking down a crack.

No one dares maybe 
As he hears no plea
Threatens all he sees
Unaffected hardly by 
Any passing decrees.

His most deserving deeds
Ever changing creeds
His moods his shows
With uncaring attitude
He comes, and then goes.

Inner tears do follow
He pities self or others
Doubts exist to swallow
Unrestricted somehow
His ways are allowed.

Every thing he does
Cannot be displayed
For what comes out
Seems as if pre-played
Left as laughing stock.

Dark thoughts do scare
Falsity felt in his prayer
Made up lies boldly sold
I've bought all from him
Kept in store as if some gold.

Always to remember,
I thought for once
Was it love sans glance
Oops, falsely, wrongly for
The stranger..

Ethics in the bin

How much do I know?
As much as you show..

That too,
Only when to the places
I've been shown to go..

Now, tell me..
How much do you know?

Your a mischief monger, 
I do know..

Absorbing the whole of
Gossip show..

No doubt,
For your abstract skills,
For a later twisted grand show..

Without knowing even,
You attack my privacy..

Ethics is not your word
Channels tuned to needs..

While fools are those like me,
Expecting the unexpected,
To hear and see..

All the while knowing,
Movies are inspired by life,
But, life's not a movie..

False Praise

As appreciation ran, 
In  sprayed showers..

Amusing proximity,
Was it rightly called?

An advancing trouble,
Concealed in clots.. 

A sure shot disclosure,
What it brought?

Oh, so much gratitude,
Believe all not..

Overall it left, 
A bad taste in mouth!

Climb your stairs

Asked the one who could see ahead
What waits next tell something
Apart from worries of earning bread
Struggles have left the scene

Faces smile full of beam
Ample of sunlight fills the room
Windows are tall with floral falls
Winds escape a song through them

Well, that is what has always followed
I've brought such scenes to my home
Even if I had bare wealth to follow
Wet soils sing to the melody of swings

Vibrant hues sway the clouds that bow
Chirpings spread to fill yearning ears
What more to ask when moods mellow?
What looks like fun may turn out sour

Beware your ways you lose the power
Keep a record of doings every hour
Your thoughts scream while I see
Throwing you down from fantasy tower

Grasp one truth that's the whole truth
Kindness though good can harm you
Agony brought will remove you soon
Climb your own stairs made each day

Make them strong by self will and pray
Torments before touching will go away
Tears rolled down these weary eyes
As he blessed and went his way..


Pinching words scattered in the way
Ask me will you accept us 
If we pray

Life bends now and then skipping often
A beat or two as if paying
Some tribute away

Who has all one can never tell while
Gaps in between carry empty cries
Being mocked time and again

Where's mercy, love, charity they say
They are all life's games all play
Their eyes closed to dismay

Move forward to lay bare their souls
And see them how they betray
Battered badly how they scare away

Buried deep not seen such wounds
Their futile attempts don't stop to stay
Void holds voids in a concurrent display

Will you still play?

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Let me pick the ends 
of messed up strings..

Meshed laces with
illusory seams..

While hearts dishonored
throw cautions of fling..

Brightness with flaws


Yeah somehow,

A feel of happiness 
this surely brings..

कब तक ?

कुंठाओं से शिकस्त,

कब तक ?

ग्रंथियां ये बेड़ियाँ,

रोकेंगी राहें, 

आखिर कब तक ?

कूप का अन्धकार,

मेरा है।

इन परछाईयों से,

सरोकार भी,

मेरा है। 

भ्रम और तृष्णा,

का ज्वार, 

हाँ वह भी मेरा है। 

किसने गुंथा ऐसा 

संसार, जिसमे हर 

दुःख, हर पीड़ा,  

मानो सब मेरा है।

दूर छोर इस कूप के, 

इक बूँद रौशनी की, 

बदलती निराशा; 

इक दिशा आशा की .. 

खींच  लेना है खुद को, 

इस तमस से ..

अंतर्मन स्वयं,

संबल सहारा है।।