Friday, July 19, 2013

Very Clear!

 A long journey
Is it to unfold?
Denying it goes
Flows and shows
Breaks, mends, bends
Never to stop
I ask and ask
And see,
It has no intention
To answer
For it has remaining
Many tasks..
What will happen?
Wait for my answers
Its flow..,
Will ever stop?
Elusive images float
That were once clear
Fear prevails
Unable to steer
Dare is unfair
For its futile
When you know
The loss will be,
Unable to bear..
At a distance
Though I cannot
See or feel
Just a remembrance
On clouds formed
As memories storm
My heart hears
The flow,
That goes and goes, but
Never shows..,
For I know,
I fear to know
There's no one near..
It's very clear!

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