Thursday, July 25, 2013

Hope waits afar..

They talk about a lot of things..
Things or words to impress,
as it seems..
Forgiveness, compassion are like stones
thrown at,
when spoken by those who hardly know
what it really means..
Pain within grows too much to bear but
one not allowed to scream,
as none feels the thunder and storm or
an ever flowing unseen stream..
Who can forgive or love other than
the Supreme Power?
This knowledge bestows a meaningful
life lest upon someone you lean;
Leaving false hopes the world presents
before to shower,
I can already see dull faces turning to gleam..
Unanswered journey asks to walk more,
some more.., till you meet your dreams..
Beyond certain clouds is the ray of hope,
waiting for sure..,
Now, you've to decide your extremes!

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