Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Try and Believe..

What it is to know God?
A living God..
Not a mere picture
Or an idol
A living God..
Knowing you..
Your thoughts..
Your actions..
Even your breaths..
Every inch of everything..
Just everything..
Mention it..
Name it..
Your body..
Your mind..
Your soul..
He knows All..
And when you start knowing God..
You feel it happening..
Every fraction of time..
The minutest one..
Mention it..
Name it..
The nano, the pico or the femto
Or any other of a second..
He's with you..
Ever conversing with you..
And you simply know it..
Believe it..
Follow it..
This faith keeps you going..
Keeps growing..
Each day of your life..
And the journey becomes
As beautiful as it can be..
He's with me..
He's with you..
Just go ahead with this thought..
Thrive it well..
Let it mix in the very blood that makes you..
And witness miracles happening daily..
Try and Believe..
His ANswers will follow you..

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