Sunday, July 21, 2013

All are Mine..

So this canvas before is to disappear,
sans much worry or fear.. the skies melt into hanging heavens
and fingers move to swipe some tears..
Not knowing reasons what brought here,
as heights show places left behind so clear..
Return of steps bound to happen on a day
when many friends wait at the golden gates;
Flashes a reminder,
Were they not once strangers to appear?
Running thoughts bring back
to the lazy track that allows a tiny train,
with smiles and hands waving at pines..
Their fallen cones, few with their trunks,
in little palms, a gift of divine..
Although fades in watchful eyes,
imprints everlasting memories in minds..
Singing subtle hymns,
"All are mine..all are mine..all are mine...."

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