Friday, June 21, 2013

Someday a book will happen!

What that book holds?
That book of poems
has many stories to be
Discouraged to write,
wastage of time,
were some opinions
I had to face them bold..
I spent nights before it
happened and was sold,
What if someone goes
through its pages will
find an interest unfold?
Like a climber entwined
to twig memories full of
my poems should bring
in dark corners some ray
of hope!
Life holds meanings in
simple ways to bring
greatness, a soul in pain
to mould..
Poems are an art of subtle
mind who defines thoughts
gone untold..,
Reaches an open mind like
fresh air replacing a heart
left so cold..
These are the lines you'll
see some day,
are being foretold..

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