Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Not mentioned those correlations
Understood by whom?
You, and you alone
Just leave alone
None sought
You got
In different forms
Though pages left
Not opened
Avoided and if seen, ignored
Destiny is always playing a firm role
But then, by itself unapparent force
And lo! Book appears and pages open
without a move
Words dance before you
Left in wonder,
I didn't try, then why?
Answers from where, I didn't require?
Definite destiny inexplicable yet
can be avoided..?!
If not, mind picks a train which has
no where to go,
Ceaseless moving at last breaks all
bridges, topples down from the track
Disaster breaks, and you find,
You're left alone..
There was no love, no promise, no vow
Following mere thoughts
People say, all imaginations to lure
While deep inside you know
How you were made so sure
Was it by you, yourself or
Somebody playing with your
emotions pure?
Defeated in your own eyes
You accept what people say
Though you still wonder and believe
What you saw was just for your eyes to see
without affecting your reality
Mind playing tricks?
Not definitely,
for correlations do exist..
See today,
pages opened by themselves,
bringing forth words of thee
as if reminding me, answers
which only depths of heart can see,
No, not even me..
Or the song which switches on by itself
without intention, and plays something
having answers,, which again only my
heart and its depths can hear or see..
and I say, definitely..
Correlations (connections?) do exist..
Howsoever far may be..

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