Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Where to go?

I started from where..?
Ah, somewhere there..
No, even earlier ..
Or earlier than I can remind myself,
As I feel some deeper..
When I stood alone looking
at the waving woods,
the lush green grass and the air, 
all together brought
something to me,
Yeah, very fair..!
And I started talking to myself..
Finding myself..
So different from others.
or everyone is just the same, 
when no one present inside
to bother..
The God moment,
I've seen and met.
The naked eyes,
surprised to get.
The reflection in the mirror,
shown to myself.
The Universe shining,
The only One,
A belief bringing to destiny,
I am whole.
Unsure and astonished,
I leave that path.
Should I regret the quit,
before the start?
I went to the World. 
I saw that as real.
I realize, caught in surreal.
And I pray,
Where to go?

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